The purpose of this section is highly technical in order to explain the accounting and
“For you know how generous our Lord Jesus Christ has been: he was rich, yet for your sake, he became poor, so that through his poverty you might become rich.” (2 Corinthians 8:9)
The tradition of giving, building, and supporting has a long history in our Church, and the ethos of giving and supporting is deeply ingrained in our cultural fabric. Our Cathedral community has demonstrated over a century–long tradition of outstanding giving – both to the church and to those in need. During the Great Depression, the Chicago Tribune reported that only two buildings were being built in the city of Chicago: a Post Office built by the Federal Government, and the Serbian Orthodox Church on Schiller Street built by the people of our community. As historical circumstances presented various challenges, our community responded with generosity and decisiveness. Whether by sending soldiers from our community back to fight in WWI – with the help of Circle of Serbian Sisters; receiving displaced persons after WWII; or helping during the wars of the 1990s – our people always found it in their hearts to give. During the fifteen years of my service at our Cathedral, I witnessed many outstanding acts of kindness, giving and donating, and inspiring acts of love.
The purpose of this section is highly technical in order to explain the accounting and
A minimum initial contribution valued at $10,000 is necessary to establish an endowment or legacy
A minimum of $5,000 is set to establish an individual Memorial Fund. A request must
Endowed gifts are an enduring way to demonstrate your enthusiasm for and commitment to Holy
Outright Gifts: Transfers of cash, securities, or other property. Gifts of Real Estate: Can
Think about the ministries and work of the Church. Are there programs and services, such
The late Dragoljub Donald Orlich fell asleep in the Lord on November 13, 1998, suffering
Smiljana Joy (Pavichevich) Knight was born to Very Reverend (Proto) Dennis and Protinica Jovanka Pavichevich
Dr. Milorad Čupić known to his friends as Mike or Misha received his Doctor of
Djuro “George” Dragisich was born on June 21, 1920 into a Serbian Orthodox family in
Luka Palandacic was born in Boka Kotorska at the start of the last century, August
This Endowment Fund was established for the sole purpose of helping people in need. Initial
Danilo Dobrilovic was a long-time member of the Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral. He was
Milica Malesevic Memorial Fund + Милица Малешевић је рођена 17. новембра, 1914. године у Глини,
Dusan and Golubica Sarich had been lifetime active members of Holy Resurrection and the church
The Lebar Family Endowment Fund. Our Cathedral is grateful for the generosity of the Lebar
Ratomir Marković Ratomir (known to most as “Rade” or ”Rudy”) was born on September 28th,
Vlajko (Walter) N. Osilich fell asleep in the Lord on Friday, July 2, 2021 after
Dušanka Kuljanin, née Zelenović, was born on May 23, 1948, in the town of Visoko
The Thomas Karacic Endowment Fund has been established in honor of Thomas Joseph Karacic, a
Our Baba Šanka was five days shy of her 96th birthday when she died in
Dr. Milan Rakić was a dedicated physician, a loyal friend, a caring husband, father, grandfather,
+НЕДЕЉКО МИЛОШЕВИЋ МЕМОРИЈАЛНИ ФОНД Задужбинарски меморијални фонд +Недељко Милошевић, на молитвено сећање и за вечни спомен
Father Dennis Pavichevich was born to Stella and William Pavichevich on August 30, 1946 into