A minimum initial contribution valued at $10,000 is necessary to establish an endowment or legacy fund. The contribution shall be made in one lump sum.
The donor(s) shall designate use of the income exclusively to one of the following:
- Stewardship Endowment Fund of Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral – to support Holy
Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral general operating needs.
- Education Fund – To support Holy Resurrection Cathedral Serbian Orthodox Cathedral religious and
cultural education programs.
- Emergency Need Program – A humanitarian program designed to assist those in need, which includes
members and non-members of Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral.
- OtherRestricted–IncomemaybeusedforthedirectbenefitofHolyResurrectionSerbianOrthodox
Cathedral as well as its endeavors that are proper and fitting.
Additional funds can be added to the principal amount of any already established endowment fund at any later point in time.
PURPOSE: To provide Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral with an endowment that would generate income to be used as stipulated. Use of income earned by the endowment funds varies from fund to fund and must be addressed individually.
FUNDSCUSTODIAN:Managementoftheendowmentfundswillbeprovidedbyawell-established professional financial managing firm. The funds will be handled and distributed in compliance with the donor’s wishes. Reports of the financial activities of the Endowments will be reviewed by the Executive Board on a monthly basis and made available to the congregation on an annual basis.