The Thomas Karacic Endowment Fund
The Thomas Karacic Endowment Fund has been established in honor of Thomas Joseph Karacic, a
The Thomas Karacic Endowment Fund has been established in honor of Thomas Joseph Karacic, a
Dušanka Kuljanin, née Zelenović, was born on May 23, 1948, in the town of Visoko
Father Dennis Pavichevich was born to Stella and William Pavichevich on August 30, 1946 into
+НЕДЕЉКО МИЛОШЕВИЋ МЕМОРИЈАЛНИ ФОНД Задужбинарски меморијални фонд +Недељко Милошевић, на молитвено сећање и за вечни спомен
Dr. Milan Rakić was a dedicated physician, a loyal friend, a caring husband, father, grandfather,
Our Baba Šanka was five days shy of her 96th birthday when she died in